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japanese fashion
Romwe Review: Dec 23, 2017
Hi, everyone! I'm here with some looks from Romwe again!
I'M SO SORRY FOR BEING INACTIVE FOR SO LONG! I've been so busy because I just moved to Vancouver for university to study Computer Engineering. It's been such a hard semester :((
Anyways, I feel SUPER bad that I wasn't able to post these looks for your guys until now.
Romwe has some of the best looks for cheap. After reviewing them since September 2015, I can safely say that they're very trustworthy and you get some pretty good clothes for what you pay for. :)
I'M SO SORRY FOR BEING INACTIVE FOR SO LONG! I've been so busy because I just moved to Vancouver for university to study Computer Engineering. It's been such a hard semester :((
Anyways, I feel SUPER bad that I wasn't able to post these looks for your guys until now.
Romwe has some of the best looks for cheap. After reviewing them since September 2015, I can safely say that they're very trustworthy and you get some pretty good clothes for what you pay for. :)
The items I'm reviewing today are:
- Capri Leggings ($8.99)
- Striped Two-piece ($10.99)
- Cactus Skirt (out of stock ><)
- Floral Dress ($9.99)
- Turtleneck Sweatshirt ($11.99)
- Pink Pendant Hat ($6.99)
- Floral Cat Ear Headband ($1.99)
- Gold Retro Glasses ($5.99)
First, the Capri Leggings! They're super comfortable and fit really well! Although the fabric suggests that it's for athletic wear, I wore it on road trips and just in summer weather and it was definitely a keeper! I liked it so much that I took it when I left for Vancouver! 
LOOK @ ME TRYIN TO LOOK ATHLETIC ALTHOUGH I'M NOT?? Anyways, I thought this was a cute look for it! irl, I just match it with anything that will match with long leggings (with some limits, ofc) b/c I'm a lazy farto.
Comfort: 5/5
Buying leggings is always a pain b/c they can be tight in the wrong areas and just cause it to ride down... :( BUT THIS ONE THO. This one fits well and doesn't ride up or down :D
Quality: 5/5
Personally, I thought that the quality was great. It's easy to sell a terrible-quality athletic material, but they really gave you a good bang for your buck.
what else did I rate on??
Design: 5/5
To be honest, this is as it is. I give it a 5/5 because it's as simple as it looks in the photo and it pretty versatile.
Okok so now let's take a look at the Striped Two-piece! I bought this because: (1) the pattern/colours were nice and (2) the back was so cute!
I wasn't disappointed on this one. It gives great summer vibes! (since this is posted so late, I guess that post is pretty irrelevant ><)
Perhaps I was supposed to tie the back more, but still. I thought it was a really cute outfit! The pants are elastic at the back, which made it easy to wear w/o it falling down; however, the fact that the front doesn't have the elastic makes the front look clean~
Comfort/Quality: 4/5:
The fabric of it is not stretchy, so it makes it hard to move in sometimes >< Also, it probs requires a tighter tie at the back to ensure it doesn't fall apart, which can be a hassle sometimes ;; otherwise, no complaints!
Design: 5/5:
Definitely one of the cuter two-pieces on the website!
Ok let's look at the Cactus Skirt! The photo looked really ~ A E S T H E T I C ` @ `~\` and it still looked super cute irl, but it was a little underwhelming >< the print of the cactus grid was not super sharp ;__; It was still such a cute and comfy skirt, though! it had a zipper at the side and fit pretty well!
This skirt can really jazz up a plain outfit! It's a real eye-catcher (in a good way)!
Comfort: 4/5
Gonna give this one a 4. Not because it was stuffy or anything, but just b/c it wasn't extraordinarily comfy. It's as a polyester skirt usually feels.
Quality: 3/5
This design had so much potential! The blurry cactus print tho :(
Design: 4/5
The idea behind it was nice, but it wasn't implemented too well ><
Let's take a look at the Floral Dress! It's casual, but also quite pretty. The print on it especially simple and vintage c: (do ppl still use that word?? aha I'm so out of it)
This is a nice summer dress that doesn't require much else to complete the outfit. It's pretty enough to wear alone, but simple enough to wear with something else (like a cardigan). That's the charm of it.
Comfort/Quality: 5/5
I found that the quality was great! Also, it fit well and I had no trouble for wearing it all day c:
Design: 5/5
As I said earlier, I really like how they implemented the design of this dress!
Now, the Turtleneck Sweatshirt!!
So like
it's a sweatshirt
and a crewneck-ish turtleneck-ish
in one?
I found that this concept was implemented quite well! If I were to redesign, I'd want the top to be longer, but I mean that whole crop-thing is really in style right now anyways XD
I really like how unique the neck part is. It's a real special one and I feel like this gives a relaxing and modern look. The design was somewhat of a risk, but I'm glad I got one!
Comfort/Quality: 5/5
Fabric quality was great! So wearing it was comfy af c:
Design: 5/5
I think I already said what I wanted for the design. It's really cute ^^
Now, let's look at the Pendant Cap! It's so cute! I'm a sucker for caps and I really like the colour and the accent of this one!
One thing that I want to point out is that the pendant seems to be sewn on in a way that seems sort of fragile :( It seems to be holding great for me so far, though! As someone who loves simple, but pretty things, this has to be a favourite hat for me c:
Comfort: 5/5
It fits fairly well and is comfortable for me!
Quality: 4/5
One mark off just for how it seems that pendant isn't too secure
Design: 4/5
As I said, super cute and a great design overall ^^
Now the Floral Cat Ears! These are soo cute! The first thing I noticed is that the flower petals are a little stiff :/ but from just looking at it, it looks really adorable! I like the white colour of the flowers, as it allows it to match many outfits ^^. I always wanted a pair of cat ears and were cute and perfect!
Comfort: 5/5
Not irritating and fits well!
Quality: 3/5
As I said, the flowers seem a little plastic and stiff, but it's still super cute c:
Design: 5/5
So cuuutte :3
Lastly, the Vintage Gold Glasses! These are super unique and perhaps a little too giant for me XD I also didn't predict that it would be such a striking gold colour >< I think that they'd be great for those who like experimenting with frames, though!
They have the potential to look super cute when worn with the right outfits! It's really retro and definitely a blast from the past ^^
Comfort: 4/5
The only thing worth mentioning was that it slid down my face quite a bit ^^'
Quality: 4.5/5
Seemed as good quality as fake frames get! It seemed sorta harder to open + other little things tho ;;
Design: 4/5
They're a little big ^^;
Now, some overall ratings!
Communication: 5/5
I had great communication with my Romwe rep!
Shipping: 5/5
Shipping was express b/c it was so much! It took about 2 weeks or so
Overall: 4.5/5
I thought that this group of clothes was nothing less than cute and stylish c: My favs were the sweatshirt, leggings, and floral cat ears!
THANK YOU, ROMWE FOR SPONSORING ME (and sorry for the review that is MONTHS LATE) :(
AND THANK YOU FOR READING MY REVIEW (and still following my blog?? wowow)!
But srs, if you still frequent my blog, shoot me a message and I'll give you a virtual hug <3
18 ; software engineering 1st year!
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